Friday, April 07, 2006

Is it possible to ruin my reputation here... MORE?

FAUX NEWS: College Republicans kick off 'Morals Week,' state strongly: "We're not homophobic. Faggots." - Life

Last week the College Republicans held their annual "Morals Week," described by some as "the only week out of the year when they admit to legislating morality." This year the College Democrats also held a Morals Week, which they used to challenge the idea that the Democratic Party has no original ideas of their own.

On Monday the College Republicans kicked off their week with "Red State Day," celebrating the fact that 31 states were "red" in the 2004 election, meaning they voted for President Bush.

"In 2004 Bush won by three percent of the popular vote," said Patrick Tutwiler, President of the College Democrats. "All 'Red State Day' is celebrating is the fact that Republicans are rednecks that live in the middle of nowhere, whereas Democrats tend to live in larger cities where they're exposed to people of other races and last names."

"Red State Day" showcased speeches from seven local and state government leaders and climaxed with Vernon Robinson, a candidate for the US House of Representatives. Robinson, like many major speakers invited by the College Republicans, is against gay rights, something he used much of his speech to illustrate.

The UNCG College Republicans have in the past declined to adopt a stance opposing gay rights, even holding a joint event with PRIDE last semester, but their choice of speakers led some to question the ambiguous message.

College Republican Philip Blattenberger explained, "We're not against gay rights, it's just that most prominent Republican speakers are, and we support their message. I mean, we don't support THE MESSAGE, but we invite them to say it. That is, not to say that specifically, but to say the other things that they say. I'm not homophobic."

Melissa Westmoreland, College Republicans president, explained why Robinson was invited as a speaker. "We were just amazed that we found a black Republican, they're like an endangered species. I think they're actually outnumbered by pandas."

You know, at least last year, they changed my name to "Ulissa Eastlesswater". I knew, the second I saw that article, that there was going to be trouble. And here we go. You gotta love having Facebook messages waiting for you when you get home:

In Regards to your constant publications in the
Carolinian if you do not wish to be referred to by
a "racist" stop referring to
African-Americans, in particular your fellow UNCG
students, as animals. Specifically Page 10 of the
most recent published Carolinian you were quoted
saying "We were amazed that we found a black
Republican, they're like an endegered
species. I think they're actually
outnumbered by pandas."

Thank You

I wrote back and explained that it was a Faux News article, but maybe I should have included an explanation of what the word "faux" means, using very small words.


At 4/07/2006 10:16 AM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Damn. I've actually been having the same frustrating problem recently. A couple days ago a Spanish professor I know emailed me to ask if a UNCG Spanish professor was actually kicked out of a Mexican restaurant recently, or if the article was just satire. Apparently she had a student insisting it was true.

It's one thing when our layout program messes up and mislabels "Faux News" as something else, which happened with the column making fun of South Dakota a couple weeks ago (even though the part about "Japanese rape robots" should have tipped someone off).

It's another when the column is correctly labeled FAUX News and is ended with a comment specifying that it's satire (as in every other printing in the last two years or so). Dumb ass people.

In any case, I fail to see how jokingly referring to a small political group as an endangered (or "endegered") species can be considered racist.

Also, are you really going to be the commencement speaker?

At 4/07/2006 10:51 AM, Blogger Roch101 said...

Not funny. Lame and juvenile, but not funny.

"It's another when the column is correctly labeled FAUX News and is ended with a comment specifying that it's satire (as in every other printing in the last two years or so). Dumb ass people."

Somebody surely is a dumb ass here. The online version has no such disclaimer. It is now on the internet, falsely attributing quotations to Melissa, using her real name with no disclaimer and all attributed to Luke McIntyre.

At 4/08/2006 1:24 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

The paper version has a nice big disclaimer, but I didn't realize the online version had no such thing. That IS a problem.

It's something I really don't want to make a big deal about, because it isn't a big deal right now, but what happens in a few years when I'm running for political office? An article clearly written about me, but with a "funny" fake name is one thing, but I am bothered by having my real name attributed to that quote.

And at this point, it's already printed and distrbuted. Even a reprinted disclaimer in another issue wouldn't take the heat off of this one. But maybe I'm overreacting. It's only my future.

At 4/08/2006 2:18 PM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

The online version has the title "Faux News" in caps, which should be enough of a hint. That's true that it has no dedicated disclaimer specifically pointing out it's satire, it depends on if the print edition includes that in italics at the end of the column or in a separate box. I'll tell Kitty that people are dumb enough that we need to put one in.

In a few years when you're running for office you can make fun of your opponent for being such an idiot. There's no acceptable mistake to make when reading that column, the person will either understand that it's satire or they are a moron.

At 4/08/2006 7:10 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Why don't you call your readers some more names Luke? That'll teach 'em.

Just for the record, I am thoroughly offended by your use of the word "faggots" in your article. You are so not down enough with the queer folk to use that word.

Maybe you should starting writing stuff that's actually funny instead of just offensive. Then people might get it.

At 4/09/2006 9:19 PM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Funny is so last season. Offensive is the new funny. Don't you read Glamour?

At 4/10/2006 9:15 AM, Blogger Roch101 said...

Luke, maybe you might want to consider taking some responsibility and apologize. Rather than insisting on your superior intellect, you might consider an urgent effort to get a disclaimer added to the online version of your fabrications rather than further demonstrating your malice. If I were Melissa (or Patrick), I'd be talking to a lawyer and your lack of contrition would motivate me even more.

P.S. I sure hope your major isn't journalism.

At 4/10/2006 9:42 AM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

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At 4/10/2006 9:47 AM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

Roch: Luke's not a journalist. He's a satirist.

I agree they should be putting the disclaimer online - which is why it's included in the print edition, though it's also clearly labelled in the print edition. Why it's not getting transferred from the print edition I'm not sure. Will get into it.

But Luke's right. The historical industry standard is no label at all. Dave Barry doesn't run with an online disclaimer that his stuff is humor - and he regularly puts words into the mouths of people a lot more important than Melissa. Ditto for Calvin Trillin, P.J. O'Rourke and even Art Buchwald, when he was a factor. The Onion bills itself as "America's Finest News Source" and is running a piece with the following quote by Tom DeLay right now with no disclaimer whatsoever:

"I can say with a clear lack of conscience that, after 21 years of public disservice, I have done everything I could to the American people," DeLay said in a televised statement to constituents. "I have a lot to offer the corporate world, such as money laundering and influence-peddling."

Historically people have been trusted to be able to tell when something is funny. If thinking the public can handle that is an insult put me down on the long list of professionals who are giving the audience the finger.

Not that some of the world's most famous humorists don't deal with people mistaking their humor for journalism. That really is down to the reader. But I've never read any column of Luke's that I thought any reasonable person couldn't recognize as humor two graphs in. Any lawyer foolish enough to get into something like this deserves his seat on the short bus behind the guy who took Jerry Fallwell's suit against Larry Flint to the Supreme Court decades ago - and had his ass handed to him.

Melissa's reputation has been so horribly damaged by Luke's constant ribbing that she's been selected as the commencement speaker and we've seen even the most liberal professors have gone out of their way to have polite conversations with her and introduce her to best-selling authors and guest speakers.

Her biggest problem, should she decide to run for office, isn't going to be her college paper's humor column. It's going to be her public cozying up to people like Mike Adams and Vernon Robinson - and maybe the Google cache of her years of blogging.

Something tells me she'll do fine anyway.

At 4/10/2006 11:56 AM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Roch: I haven't referred to my intellect once, actually. I merely pointed out that you have to be pretty slow to not get that Faux News is satire.

I take complete responsibility for everything I've ever written, and I've never written anything that I thought to be in bad taste. But, that responsibility does not and cannot include people who don't take the three seconds to understand what they're reading. That's the same for people writing real news, play reviews, or opinion columns.

But I'm interested, since you seem to be of the strong opinion that I did something wrong. Please point out to me how the article could be mistaken as an actual news article by someone who actually read it.

Because I'm fairly certain that the article title, the notation that it is "FAUX NEWS," the picture of a flyer stating "We hate black people," the abbreviation "GLBTQSCTBSPWLHFDJSWHJSTSHFCOBJTOYDLWCSA," or the military recruiter saying "It's hard out here for a pimp" should just be a few of the things that would tip someone off.

At 4/10/2006 2:38 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

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At 4/10/2006 2:42 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Glamour? Please. Honey I read Details -I know what's last season.

I'm just saying don't get defensive when people don't get your column. Maybe you're just not very funny.

At 4/10/2006 3:12 PM, Blogger Roch101 said...

"What kind of pathetic individual would seek a lawsuit because his feelings have been hurt?"

Who said anything about seeking a lawsuit because of somebody having their feelings hurt? I didn't. Learn the meaning of a straw man argument and get bcak to me when you can stay on topic. (Oh yeah, you might want to recognize how weak your arguments appear when you have to resort to ad hominem attacks.)

At 4/10/2006 3:18 PM, Blogger Roch101 said...

Joe and Luke,

I'm a big fan of satire. Luke is not very good at it. We can cut to the chase though, there must have been considered reasons why a disclaimer runs in thr print edition of Luke's column. Unless there is some reason why the internet makes that unecessary, it should be online too.

At 4/10/2006 4:27 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

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At 4/10/2006 4:28 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

We'll see who's party is losing elections come November, Mr. Blattenberger. I don't know if you read the paper, but the Reppies ain't doing so hot now a days.

At 4/10/2006 7:45 PM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

Dear Roch:

I agree it should be running online - I'm just saying that the standard for labelling these things at the Carolinian is more strict than for most satirists. The argument that it needs to be labelled because these things are always labelled is ludicrous and proveably false.

I was the one who pushed for labelling Luke's column as satire when it first ran - only because at the time it was running in A&E and we didn't have a humor column, so I thought it was necessary to avoid confusion. Where it runs now, labelled the way it is and for as long as it's been running I'm not sure that's necessary anymore...but we still do it.

I disagree with you on Luke not being funny. I find that just about everyone - from Dem to Republican, administrator to freshman, think he's funny and says so... until it's their group who gets lampooned.

At 4/10/2006 10:30 PM, Blogger Roch101 said...


I respect your opinion and I'll think about what you've written.

At 4/10/2006 10:32 PM, Blogger Roch101 said...

Oh, and in fairness, my impressions of Luke as a satarist are based only on the piece in question. I probably should have confined my criticisms to that and not expanded them to Luke's writing abilities in general. My apologies, Luke.

At 4/10/2006 11:02 PM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

Like any columnist Luke has on and off weeks. I think his last few columns have been particularly funny - but it's a matter of taste and opinion.

To me the great hilarity in all of this is that any reasonable person, whether or not the column is explicitly labelled (and, at least in print it always is and online runs under the standing head "Faux News" in the Life section, a place explicitly designated for "Humor, Sex, Culture"), could think it was anything but humor.

Are these people confused about the difference between The Daily Show and Nightline? Do they wonder why The Onion is always shut out of the Pulitzers? Are they reading Dave Barry and wondering why no one else knew that the second part of the Monroe Doctrine reads "Except for us ...HA HA HA?"

When you work in print you deal with loonies all the time - or people who have just missed the point. You can't let them rattle you and you certainly don't try and figure out how you can keep from confusing these poeple at the expense of what you're providing the rest of the readers.

All the same - good point about the online edition not having the disclaimer. Thanks for pointing that out. We made the decision to run the disclaimer and we should be doing it online, as well. I'll make sure that happens from now on.

At 4/10/2006 11:49 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I still don't think Faux News is very funny -except for that one photo caption about Daryn Iwicki's gay porn. Other than that, I'm a big "meh".

I think I should write a satirical column for the Carolinian. You guys hiring?

At 4/11/2006 2:28 AM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Patrick: Actually I wasn't getting defensive about me being funny or unfunny. I'm not too worried about what people think -- it was one of my early Faux News articles that two people in the same day told me was my funniest work ever and my worst work ever that made me realize you just have write what you want. It's more fun that way anyway.

However, the point was not that people should get that Faux News is satire because it is or isn't funny. The point was that people should understand that Faux News is satire because it's obvious.

And actually, Joe wrote the gay porn photo caption, which indeed was hilarious.

Roch: No worries.

At 4/11/2006 10:33 AM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

I get a little punchy when it's been a long day and I have to write captions.

I don't even remember that one, actually...but I'll look back at it.

At 4/12/2006 4:56 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I'll give you that this advantage we have in the polls could be squandered very easily (Democrats are good at squandering advantages, though not as good as Republicans are at squandering surpluses), and Congress is rated pretty dismally across the board. But make no mistakes about it -America like Democrats more than it likes Republicans -and with due cause. There's been nothing but stories of corruption, lying, and war for weeks. Way to go guys.

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