Friday, March 24, 2006

Attack of the bored college students?

Hahaha... jeez. I just want to thank whomever was involved in actually causing me to laugh at 8:30 in the morning.

Not to get ahead of myself, but this is good stuff. Take a look. THESE are the College Republican fliers we've been putting up to advertise Reginald Jones' speech:

(the bottom reads "3/28/06... College Republicans and Young America's Foundation")

But this morning, I'm greeted by some new posters:

The poster with Reggie's picture on it is ours, I just wanted to show how this person overlapped the fliers, to make a point, I suppose.

The stupidest thing ever, though, is on the bottom of their flier, where it reads "Jennifer Incorporated, we play with words too." THAT is what made it so hilarious. I was angry when I thought it was the College Democrats mooching off our ideas once again, but once I realized it was some poor soul with nothing better to do with her time, I found it amusing once again.

Seriously, if our posters make such an impression on you that you spend your own time and money making these things, haven't we accomplished our goal?


At 3/24/2006 11:07 AM, Blogger Melissa said...


At 3/24/2006 11:12 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Me? Watch you read my blog? Psh. How stalker-ish.

You caught me.

At 3/24/2006 12:13 PM, Blogger Ryan Radford said...

Damnit, you beat me to the blogs... I tore one down to scan it and post.

I laughed my ass off going up the stairs in McIver this morning, people were looking at me like I was insane.

At least ours made sense... I hope "Jennifer" is reading this, because:

Jennifer, you're ignorant. And by ignorant, I mean, rather than asking us what the flier meant or the event, you jumped to conclusions.

Beyond that, you're an idiot. Sorry, it made no sense, and you look like a dumbass for "playing with words." How about next time, you put them in an order that actually has meaning? I know UNCG's acceptance rate is 76%, but damn, come on.

So yeah, I love blogs because I can insult anonymous people. I hope she brings me up on honor code violations. I am disrespecting you, and you deserve it.

At 3/24/2006 5:37 PM, Blogger Sam B said...

i don't get it

At 3/24/2006 9:04 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I appreciate Jennifer's efforts to get involved, but I don't know what a "demo minority" is. So I can't really defend her or anything, but... I'm sure she's very pretty.

And you guys still suck.


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