Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The Reginald Jones speech was a HUGE success!

I only have one problem...


No seriously, if they were there, I hope someone will please tell me.


At 3/29/2006 2:42 AM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Don't worry. Faux News has got it covered.

At 3/29/2006 10:54 AM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

The Carolinian has covered nearly every event of every Morals week since the thing started. The College Republicans have never been snubbed as regards news coverage in that paper.

I can't speak for the news section, but if they missed it it was much more likely a scheduling conflict -- but you might ask where any local media was altogether.

At 3/29/2006 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They missed the opportunity for a lot of great quotes from the audience during the "Q&A",

"We need to kill the white man"
"F*ck Everyone"
"How am I suppose to achieve when the white man holds me down"
"ah, rah, rahrahrah, ra,ra, (and other indiscernible sounds)"
"Religion and Politics were created to keep us down"
"Kill the White Jesus"

and many more very insightful comments from an exuberant crowd of college students and a UNCG professor

-Matt Modrow

At 3/29/2006 12:46 PM, Blogger Roch101 said...

You are the media. Where's your coverage of it?

At 3/29/2006 3:20 PM, Blogger Joe Killian said...

Jon: I don't think that the local papers, radio stations and TV people shouldn't be interested in something like this.

I don't know that there wasn't a reporter there - but if it came down to covering a partisan group's speaker and an SGA meeting I'm sure they went with SGA. We'll see.

Roch: Were you talking to me or the blogosphere in general? I don't cover Higher Ed at the N&R and I do Life over at the Carolinian.

No reason the blogosphere shouldn't cover it though. Have to back you on that one if that was your point.

At 3/29/2006 6:52 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

was it tracy salisbury?

At 3/29/2006 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

she wasn't complaining she was pointing out what goes on when she teaches white students. she has a voice and she uses it and sound very intelligent when doing it. She is definately smarter than all the people that were in the room and i wouldn't debate with her because she'll make anybody look dumb. I can tell you i'm not a Republican or a Democrat and as a black man I hate the ignorance SOME black people have when it comes to politics. People are Democrats and that don't know why? Thats what kills me. For anyone that thinks that 50 cent is blacker than Clarence Thomas is a Fool. I may hate Clarence Thomas but I think he would do a slight(just a slight lol) better job in representing us than 50 cent. But I must say he did make some good points though!! I couldn't disagree with him on some of that stuff. But I wouldn't it was the Civil Rights movement that sold us out! But I can tell you that I don't like Affirmative Action because I don't someone to hire me just because i'm black. I want them to hire me because I can do the job. But I do think there is a need for affirmative action because I don't trust that people will get a fair chance. I'm not going to lie i enjoyed the speaker. But just raise the stakes a little higher next time. I want a better one next year. Keep up the good work in making all of us mad even though i know that y'all could give a shit if we do. But yeah who do i contact in the carolinian to ask them about that quote they have me saying because i want to hear me on tape saying that because i really don't think i said it.

At 3/29/2006 10:49 PM, Blogger Roch101 said...

Joe, I was addressing my question to Melissa.

At 3/30/2006 1:18 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Roch: If you mean in my column, I'm not allowed to. And if you mean here on my blog, then I plan to, but only after I get some free time. I'm taking 18 hours along with working three jobs, and to top it all off, one of the 5+ organizations I'm active in is throwing Morals Week. I hardly have time to breathe and do homework.

At 3/30/2006 8:43 AM, Blogger Roch101 said...

Looking forward to it, Melissa.

At 3/30/2006 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn phillip I'm sorry I can't rely on spell check in this comment box you may go to the writing center and use Microsoft Word to write a comment but some of us like it to flow. You'll know when i'm angry dude. So chill. For I help you. I told you I couldn't disagree with the points the dude was making what the fuck else to you want me to say. Stop bitching about how racist she is, cause thats basically the point your homeboy was trying to make. I get your point: BLACK PEOPLE STOP BITCHING ABOUT HOW RACIST AMERICA IS!!!!! I GET IT....I GET IT...now go back read my comment...what did I say? HUH? WHAT DID I SAY? I SAID I DIDN'T LIKE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION...RIGHT? WHAT ELSE DID I SAY? I ENCOURAGED THE CR'S TO UP THE GOOD WORK? BECAUSE RATHER I OR ANY OF MY FRIEND LIKE IT...YOU GUYS ARE RAISING POLITICAL AWARENESS ON CAMPUS...stop trying to jump on my case and see Dr. Salisbury in a debate if you don't believe that she's the smartest...Dang Melissa we are equally hated on this campus...

At 3/30/2006 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i left a word out it was "keep" sorry phil

At 3/30/2006 6:30 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

I think you're exaggerating, Philly. Prof. Salisbury is a smart lady. I sat in on her class once and we talked very frankly about being black and being white and all that jazz. She may be brusque, but she certainly isn't racist.

Your problem, like Melissa's, is that you have pale, pale politics. You think racism is largly a thing of the past, you get uncomfortable when black people are critical of white people, and you think every time a black person gets mad at white people, he's being racist. Get over it. Read a book.

If you were offended by Prof. Salisbury's appearance at the last debate, you're just being silly. It was a political debate and she teaches classes about black politics. It's hardly out of line for her to say something about black people in that context.

At 3/30/2006 7:17 PM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Black guy - "You know what the real problem with this country is? WHITE PEOPLE!"


White guy - "You know what the real problem with this country is? BLACK PEOPLE!"


At 3/30/2006 8:13 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Oh buhoo buhoo. White people sure do have the bad end of the stick in this country. Buhoo buhoo. Blacks get to say whatever they want and us poor poor whities just have to sit there and take it. Buhoo buhoo. What did we ever do to deserve this? It's just not fair! Buhoo buhoo.

The real problem with this country is rich people. And petulant, self-righteous college students.

At 3/31/2006 4:43 PM, Blogger Luke McIntyre said...

Patrick: Oh buhoo buhoo.

Racism is racism, and it's all unacceptable.

Also, it's boohoo. White people make more of a "boo" sound when sobbing about how hard it is to be white.

At 4/04/2006 3:55 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

Did you even watch Loose Change Phil? Rich people suck.

If I ever become wealthy, I will most certainly give it all away. Devote myself to philanthropy. You have my word. In the mean time, I'm at college just to get a goddamn job. I know the Army will take just about anyone now a days, but for those of us who aren't so enamored of the military life as you Philly, it takes a lot to get a good job out there.

And as to your rude insinuations about my character -clearly you've not yet developed an appreciation for crass and pithy wit. I suggest you read more Mark Twain.

At 4/04/2006 7:51 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

No way. I actually stand to inherit a bit of money one of these days and I've talked with friends many times about how I would use it to better North Carolina. No joke.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking a vow of poverty by any means. I like nice things as much as the next guy, and rest assured no small amount of my money would be devoted to bacchanalian festivities -but I certainly have things I would love to invest in. Municipal wi-fi systems, green building programs, alternative transportation and fuel, micro-loan programs to name a few.

Money is just a tool to get things done. If I'm ever in the position where I have a lot of money, I'm not just going to hold on to it.

Socrates thought magnanimity and munificence went hand in hand with wealth and privilege. I agree.


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