Monday, April 17, 2006

The Carolinian, the teacher, and the slut

'Hey, whore!' - Opinions

Yesterday, Tuesday, I was standing on the sidewalk in front of my house in the late afternoon. It was one of those gorgeous North Carolina spring days, crisp and warm. The sun was still out so I decided to pull on some of the vines that insist on murdering my roses as soon as it gets warm enough for the blossoms to grow. I was still wearing my clothes from school: blue jeans, boots with a heel, and a long-sleeved T-shirt.

I stood up for a moment to rest my back, facing Walker Avenue. My house sits on the corner of Walker and Mayflower Street, one block from campus. As I stood there, a car drove by with two young guys in it, headed west, away from campus. The passenger leaned of his window and yelled at me, "Hey, whore!" and the car kept driving.

I like living where I live, near college students, close to where I work. I'm a doctoral student at UNCG, and teach here too. I have a part-time job as a lawyer downtown. I'm 29 years old. I don't mind the parties in the neighborhood, and throw a few of my own. I get along well with my neighbors, both students and professionals. After attending institutions of higher education for 9 of the past 12 years, there is one thing that I have never gotten used to: how college men and women treat college women.

When the college guy in the car looked me in the eye and called me a whore yesterday, I laughed at how ridiculous the situation was. But just a few minutes ago, I saw a news clip of the Duke lacrosse team on television and I don't think his name-calling is ridiculous anymore. Perhaps the connection between one idiot on Walker Avenue and 45 idiots in Durham isn't apparent to everyone reading this column, so please give me a chance to elaborate.

I went to school with those idiots in Durham (Class of '98) and there are two things I can tell you about Duke and UNCG. First, they aren't any smarter over there in the Gothic Wonderland than we are here. Duke students, for the most part, simply have less to worry about (e.g. money). Second, Duke students don't treat college women any better than we do.

I'm teaching a course this semester on political rhetoric and my students are the absolute best. They are brilliant, and hard workers. Last night, I found out that one of my superstars, a male student, sat in a bar this week and called a woman a slut because she had slept not only with him, but also with a friend of his. (The "slut" in question was not there.)

A woman that was present for the conversation pointed out the obvious, that the speaker had slept with the "slut." It takes two, in case he had forgotten. When I heard about this conversation, I was so disappointed that my most forward-thinking, kind-hearted, and ethical male student could say such terrible things about a college woman.

I mean, really. If a woman that chooses to have sex with you is a slut, and a woman pruning her roses is a whore, then a woman that your sports team hires to dance topless at a private house party can be no more than a prostitute asking to be beaten, strangled, and raped. Right?

I should have known better than to take a break from writing this paper to read the Carolinian. I always get mad about something, although I've never been angry about it in this way before.

Most people know how I feel about women's issues, and if you don't, all you need to know is that I am very passionate when it comes to that topic. The labeling of any woman as a "whore" or "slut" has always bothered me, no matter what context. In fact, I came very close to writing a similar column about the Duke rape. I'm so sick of people discussing this case and saying things like, "Well, she WAS an exotic dancer in a room full of boys," as if that justifies everything.

I have my own personal experiences with issues similar to the one Katie brings up, and I rarely choose to talk about them, instead letting them boil up inside of me, one on top of the other. It takes a certain mood, when I'm already fed up with people at this school and life in general, for me to finally break, and just let it all go.

I always think back to my first Women's Studies class with Dr. Showden, when it finally dawned on me how differently women were viewed by mainstream America. Watch C-Span for a while, and look at how disheveled some of the men are, even on the House and Senate floors. Imagine if a women tried to do the same. It doesn't happen. Studies are already coming out about how much more motivated women are today as compared to me. We're trying harder, and we're pushing the boundaries, because we're working with what we're given. And still these horrible stereotypes abound that women are little more than sex machines for men.

Most interesting to me about the column is the part where Katie tells the story about the boy calling the girl he and his friend both supposedly slept with a slut. Now, I say supposedly here, not because I doubt it happened, but because you can't HELP but doubt it happened. It's all part of the double-standard. Boy One has sex with a girl, Boy Two claims to have sex with the same girl, mostly to help pad his own "stud" reputation, and BAM, the girl's a slut. Nevermind what the real story may be. Nevermind that one or even both of the boys may be elaborating just for fun. Before it's all over with, they're telling their friends how they both did the same chick, and what a slut she is, meanwhile subconsciously (or blatantly) competing for who can get the most tail.

I'm not saying that the girl in question is entirely innocent. Maybe she did sleep with both of them. But I happen to know that more often than not, boys lie about sex to their friends. I can't even count the number of times it has gotten back to me that I supposedly slept with someone, when that couldn't be further from the truth. And while I usually just laugh it off by saying, "Yeah, in his dreams," it infuriates me like nothing else. WHY would this person go around telling people this? WHY would other people feel the need to spread the word? WHY and HOW does it eventually get told to someone who lets it get back to me? That's the vicious cycle of lies we live in, and that's what leads to most girls having "that" reputation.

Going along with that, I couldn't help but wonder how this teacher came to know about the two boys and The Slut anyways. Are there actually people who talk about their sex lives to their professors? How sad and disgusting. Those of you who read my old blog know that I'm in the process of writing a book, and I was going to touch on the issue of female stereotypes, but I think I have enough fodder there for a second book.

My thanks for out to Katie Rose Guest for writing this column. I'm glad I'm not alone here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

For those of you just now joining us...

Today, April 12, 2006, Erskine Bowles will be inaugurated as president of the UNC system. Most UNCG students couldn't care less, except for the fact that all of our main roads will be blocked off. Some of us are skeptical, however. How did this failed politician become an expert on education overnight? Is he really the most qualified candidate for the job? And why is Mike Easley such a fan of the spoils system?

We may not get any answers to our questions, but until we do, check out the first thing you see when you walk into UNCG's Elliott University Center:

A student who witnessed Bowles' reaction to the sign said he did an obvious double-take by actually walking back under the banner and re-reading it. The witness said he then "chuckled". You know, he looks like the kind of guy that would "chuckle".

Erskine Bowles will be inaugurated today at 11am in the Aycock Auditorium, following what I'm sure will be a thrilling parade at 10am. And you best believe I'm gonna be there. Check for updates later.

(Many thanks to Laura Poole, Laura-Kathryn Fuqua, Ryan Radford, Daryn Iwicki, Natasha Sell, and Philip Blattenberger for helping the dream of a banner become a reality)

Friday, April 07, 2006

I am just too excited to express right now...

Yes, as of yesterday, the rumors are true...

I, Melissa Westmoreland, have been selected to be the student commencement speaker for the graduation of the Class of 2006! The committee said they felt I was best able to represent my graduating class.

I am too excited!!! :)

Is it possible to ruin my reputation here... MORE?

FAUX NEWS: College Republicans kick off 'Morals Week,' state strongly: "We're not homophobic. Faggots." - Life

Last week the College Republicans held their annual "Morals Week," described by some as "the only week out of the year when they admit to legislating morality." This year the College Democrats also held a Morals Week, which they used to challenge the idea that the Democratic Party has no original ideas of their own.

On Monday the College Republicans kicked off their week with "Red State Day," celebrating the fact that 31 states were "red" in the 2004 election, meaning they voted for President Bush.

"In 2004 Bush won by three percent of the popular vote," said Patrick Tutwiler, President of the College Democrats. "All 'Red State Day' is celebrating is the fact that Republicans are rednecks that live in the middle of nowhere, whereas Democrats tend to live in larger cities where they're exposed to people of other races and last names."

"Red State Day" showcased speeches from seven local and state government leaders and climaxed with Vernon Robinson, a candidate for the US House of Representatives. Robinson, like many major speakers invited by the College Republicans, is against gay rights, something he used much of his speech to illustrate.

The UNCG College Republicans have in the past declined to adopt a stance opposing gay rights, even holding a joint event with PRIDE last semester, but their choice of speakers led some to question the ambiguous message.

College Republican Philip Blattenberger explained, "We're not against gay rights, it's just that most prominent Republican speakers are, and we support their message. I mean, we don't support THE MESSAGE, but we invite them to say it. That is, not to say that specifically, but to say the other things that they say. I'm not homophobic."

Melissa Westmoreland, College Republicans president, explained why Robinson was invited as a speaker. "We were just amazed that we found a black Republican, they're like an endangered species. I think they're actually outnumbered by pandas."

You know, at least last year, they changed my name to "Ulissa Eastlesswater". I knew, the second I saw that article, that there was going to be trouble. And here we go. You gotta love having Facebook messages waiting for you when you get home:

In Regards to your constant publications in the
Carolinian if you do not wish to be referred to by
a "racist" stop referring to
African-Americans, in particular your fellow UNCG
students, as animals. Specifically Page 10 of the
most recent published Carolinian you were quoted
saying "We were amazed that we found a black
Republican, they're like an endegered
species. I think they're actually
outnumbered by pandas."

Thank You

I wrote back and explained that it was a Faux News article, but maybe I should have included an explanation of what the word "faux" means, using very small words.