Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's the most wonderful time of the year....

Not the best picture in the world, but give me a break. In case you can't tell, that's my ballot this morning, with a vote for Republican (and person friend) Michael Moore, Republican Phil Berger, and a vote AGAINST illegal alien Republican Vernon Robinson (for more information on that, see the following column).

In case you don't know what my predictions are (that I've been spouting for the past five months), here we go. I see the Democrats taking control of the House, but Republicans keeping the Senate, and guess what guys -- IT WON'T BE THE END OF THE WORLD. On a more local level, Berger will keep his seat, Cole will keep his seat (sorry Michael, the guy owns this town... but I'm PRAYING for an upset!), Belinda Foster will LOSE her D.A. position to Berger Jr. And I'm hoping this is a given, but Brad Miller will keep his seat.

Go vote. Vote Republican, unless you live in the 13th district, or you have Libertarian candidates with a chance in hell. Don't forget, it's not just your right, it's a privilege.
RINOs Against Robinson

I get called a rhino more often than I care to admit.

No, it’s not because I’m covered in gray, scaly skin. Nor is it because I have a huge horn at the end of my nose.

It’s an acronym. RINO stands for “Republican In Name Only”, and it isn’t a term of endearment from my fellow Republicans. John McCain, one of my political heroes, is called a RINO on a regular basis by his political opponents within his own party.

The truth is, there are real RINOs out there, but John McCain isn’t one and neither am I. We are both simply Republicans who do not blindly follow party lines. I wish I could say there are more of us out there, but looking at this year’s election from within the 13th district, I can tell there are not.

For four years now, I have dedicated my 13th district voting habits to keeping Brad Miller out of office. Aside from the fact that I rarely agree with his stance on the issues, I am appalled at the way he continually ignores his non-big city constituents – and he even drew his own district!

But I just cannot bring myself to vote for Vernon Robinson. This man has been an embarrassment to North Carolina Republicans for too long, and anyone who has seen the Miller-Robinson debates should agree with me. He sticks like glue to the Republican platform, boasting his pro-life, pro-war, anti-immigration, anti-gay agenda at every chance – yet with no real plans or solutions. When confronted about his lack of solutions, he merely warns us that we should worry about getting Miller out of office first.

First? With an attitude like that, one could end up with Ted Kennedy for a congressman. I think first we should worry about having a competent replacement.

To make up for having absolutely no political strategy (not to mention original ideas), Robinson uses the shock factor to get voters’ attentions. His “Twilight Zone” ad (which recently made MSN.com’s list of the country’s top three most ridiculous political ads) bombards the viewer with thoughts of living in a society where illegal Hispanics run amuck, citizens routinely burn American flags in their front yards, and homosexuals are allowed to marry. Oh no wait, my mistake, they are “mocking holy matrimony”.

Whenever Robinson is asked to give a possible solution to an issue, he criticizes Miller’s record. If pressed for a real answer, he sometimes loses his cool. In one debate, Robinson actually attacked the moderator’s religious denomination, because he pressed him too hard for clarification to an answer.

Hoping to reach the small-town constituents that Miller often neglects, Robinson is stressing his anti-illegal immigration stance. He thinks if people who aren’t from around here want to live here, they should legally move here.

Well, Robinson and I do agree on that. And that’s one of the reasons I am so against him. You see, Vernon Robinson lives in Winston-Salem. He ran in the 5th district two years ago. Having lost hope there, he turned to the 12th district, but realized Ada Fisher had a far better chance then he did. Shortly before the cut-off date to apply for a place on the primary ballot, Robinson chose the 13th district as his best bet for political support.

Fellow 13th districters, it’s time we secure OUR borders. People shouldn’t be allowed to freely run where ever they see opportunity. Do we really think Robinson has our best interests in mind? The man would run for office anywhere he saw the opportunity. People like Robinson may call me a RINO, but maybe I’m not content with just voting for whatever random joker the GOP can dig up.

Let’s send a message to the Republican Party this year. We won’t stand for these jokers anymore. Join me in “deporting” Vernon Robinson back to the 5th district where he belongs!

And two years from now, join me in getting Miller OUT of the House… but not before we have a competent replacement.